We are deeply grateful for bequests and planned gifts.  If you decide to make the Humboldt Senior Resource Center a beneficiary of your legacy, we’d appreciate  hearing from you so that we can honor you now.  Of course, you are free to change your plans at any time.

Humboldt Senior Resource Center is a tax-exempt, charitable nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status under federal tax law.  If you are considering a gift from your estate, here is some information your attorney or estate planner will need:

  • Legal Name: Humboldt Senior Resource Center, Incorporated
  • Address: 1910 California Street, Eureka, CA  95501
  • Tax ID: 94-2261434

You are welcome to either make a general gift directly to the agency, to specify a particular program, or you may wish to name the Humboldt Senior Resource Center Endowment Fund.

We encourage you to discuss your plans with your tax and legal advisors, or with anyone who is helping you plan your estate.

For any questions about planned giving or donations, please contact the Director of Development at 707-443-9747 ext. 1292 or email give@humsenior.org.