Shelly Heber

Shelly Heber moved from Southern California to Eureka after a 22-year career in the music business.  For 20 years, she served as the Book Lady at the Discovery Shop.  When lifting and bending began to hurt, she had to quit, and found herself sitting at home and doing nothing, lonely and depressed.

At first, she resisted going to HSRC because she didn’t want to be with “grouchy old people.”  But Shelly gave it a try and found she loved it.  She went every day for a tasty lunch and camaraderie, and found new friends.

Then came the pandemic, which shut down HSRC’s dining rooms for two years.  Shelly said, “The loneliness has been bone-chilling.

” Because I don’t drive and I’m having increasing mobility problems, I became dependent on others.  I rarely left my home.  I was petrified of leaving my safe cocoon.  If I didn’t have to feed my cat every morning, I might never get out of bed.  But people need people.”

HSRC’s three Heritage Cafés, in Arcata, Eureka, and Fortuna are where older adults can and experience the value of good nutrition and social interaction together.

A donation of just $25 provides a week’s worth of lunch and camaraderie.  The most valuable contribution you can make is to become a monthly donor and help provide senior meals year-round.